Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bad News

Hi Ladies sorry to inform that the Calorie Off Massage Shapers will be delayed..
Will reach around 6th of March.. (Hopefully)
Will keep you gals updated...
Thanks & sorry for the inconvenience

-xoxo- Ladies First

Monplay Concealer Monplay柔白遮瑕笔 @ RM12

Monplay Concealer @ RM12
A magic cover foundation for smooth & silky application feeling
Product: Soft & natural texture to conceal dark circles, wrinkles and to cover flaws for perfect make ups. Contains vitamin E & moisturizing substance. Allergy tested. No fragrance.
Size: 3.5g
#01 Skin color
#02 Fair color
Monplay柔白遮瑕笔 @ RM12

【规 格】3.5g

质地轻柔,色泽自然,可修饰黑眼圈、细纹等,令眼睛更有神,亦可用于修饰面部瑕疵,有效改善细纹及皱纹。特殊持久配方,可长时间维持完美妆容。 可作为眼部粉底,令眼影色彩更持久。 独特的笔型设计,取用方便,易于携带。 含维生素E及C抗氧化成分,有效抵抗自由基对皮肤的伤害,预防皮肤过早老化。 经眼科测试,不会刺激眼睛。 经皮肤性及过敏性测试。不含香料。
使用方法: 在所需修饰的部位轻轻点擦。再用指腹轻轻抹开。或将遮瑕膏点在眼睛下方,或其他想要遮盖的部分。用中指或无名指指腹轻轻将遮瑕膏推匀。以粉扑薄薄地将蜜粉按压上去。

Germa Body Shaping Tights (Long) 日本最新技术~钛锗银配合【三段式】塑身9分裤 @ RM35

Germa Body Shaping Tights (Long) @ RM35
-Burn fats, butt lift & body shaping tights
The bottom has 1-2cm difference in length, but does not affect usage.
Those who mind please do not purchase.
Material: 89% terylene 11% spandex
Color: Black
Size: Free size (suitable for waist up to 27.6inch)
Packaging: Simple
1. The high waist knitting helps to tighten tummy & lift up butt line
2. 5 strong knitting methods designed to massage legs & feet while walking to burn fats
3. Improved germanium helps to increase blood circulation & detox
4. Also helps to reduce body aches, radiation from computers & etc
5. Soft & stretchable materials for comfortable wearing, slim tummy & lift butt

日本最新技术 钛锗银配合 三段式 燃脂 提臀 塑身裤【加强版】 @ RM35
日本の最新の技術 チタンのゲルマニウムの銀は協力します 3段式 燃える脂 尻を持ちます 身のズボンを作ります【版を強化します】


材质:89%涤纶 11%氨纶
尺码:均码 (适合腰围2.3尺以及2.3以内的MM)

根据按摩师理念最新开发出来的健康美体系列,并配以微量的锗钛银金属元素,添加的锗、钛、银会缓慢加热脂肪,循环瘦身,白金粒子抗氧化。钛、锗本身还有调节身体的电流 舒缓疲惫以及腰酸背疼 助眠放松的效果的。

特点一:腹部采用高腰紧密凹凸织法 可以收缩小腹;后臀提臀环线,可以集中往上提托,让你的线条UP UP




特点五:立体剪裁,收腹提臀,符合人体工学设计,柔软的弹力面料 舒适度佳
减肥瘦身是一个漫长的过程,也是一个锻炼毅力的好机会,无论是穿着塑身衣裤还是坚持锻炼,都要持之以恒才能看到效果~ 为了能够拥有魔鬼身材,出门逛街买衣服不再受歧视~ 大家一起为瘦身而努力吧,加油!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Honey Egg White Purifying Mask 蜂蜜蛋白面膜 祛痘精品@ RM3.20

Honey Egg White Purifying Mask @ RM3.20
Provides intensive hydration to stimulate cell growth, makes skin moisturisized, whiten, cure pimples, spots and wrinkles. Honey helps to whiten and reduce pores to improve skin condition.
蜂蜜蛋白面膜 祛痘精品 @ RM3.20

Strawberries Yogurt Whitening Mask 草莓+酸奶面膜 @ RM3.20

Strawberries Yogurt Whitening Mask @ RM3.20

A whitening mask that deeply moisturisizes your skin :)

草莓+酸奶面膜 @ RM3.20

Germa Lace Waist Shaper 伊能静Annie推荐--日本锗钛银热量解码平腹带 @ RM30

Germa Lace Waist Shaper @ RM30
Helps to burn fats & calories while doing exercise or even sitting~!!
Suitable for office ladies, supper lovers, as well as long-hour sitting ladies :)
Size (Waist): M-L only (64cm-77cm)

Massage Shapers for Arms & Thighs - PRE-ORDER

Dear Ladies,

For those who wanna get the thigh massage shapers are encouraged to wait till end of the month as the thighs shapers will only arrive around 28th. Otherwise have to pay twice postage, which is not really worth it.

Now we're opened for the shapers pre-order, Ladies can reserve your shapers by simply paying 50% of deposit.

Thanks for your support :)

-xoxo- Ladies First

Friday, February 6, 2009

Restock arrive!!

Hi Ladies thanks for your patience~~
Shills BB Cream (Normal & Cherry Blossoms Edition) & Massage Shapers (Arms) Have arrived!!!
Those who are interested please inform me a.s.a.p ^^

-xoxo- Ladies First