Facial Bar (100% Authentic)
- The moor facial bar with IndinineLuxeTM- From: AustriaTHE REVELATIONTo us, it is not entirely clear how Mior works. But within minutes, the proof can be seen on the faces of those who use it. Facial pores close up, skin becomes firmer, tighter and smoother. A natural healthy pinkish radiance envelopes the skin. Skin becomes balanced - oily skin becomes less oily and dry skin less dry. Freckles and pigmentation lightens. Wrinkles become less visible. Sensitivities are healed. And of course, there are some who have witnessed remarkable results. No wonder many who have tried every wash available remain devoted to Mior.
USAGEWork Mior into a lather and gently massage it into your skin. Leave it on to permeate your skin for 3 minutes. Gently wash off with water thereafter. Admire the effects of Mior conditioned skin in the mirror, as it continues throughout the day.
More than a thousand have tried it... and here's what they've noticed... -Firms, lifts & put a shine on your face
-Tightens & closes up your facial pores
-Deep cleansing
-Removes free radicals & toxins from your face, and replenishes it with the right nutrients
-Fast, effective & safe
-Transcends all skin types, even if you have sensitive skin.
-Every wash rejuvenates your face like a 'spa' treatment
-Brings balance to skin -> oily skin becomes less oily and dry skin less dry
-Gives your face a natural, healthy pinkish radiance
-Makes your skin feel baby smooth
-Lightens pigmentation & freckles
-Natural moisturising effect on your face after every wash (due to IndinineLuxe™)
-Save money on toner, moisturizer, facial & makeup!
-Works equally well as a shampoo as it helps scalp become healthier and helps hair to become soft and shiny
-May also be used as an aftershave for a smoother shave
See RESULTS IN 3 MINUTES and continues to work on your skin throughout the day!
Read some of these stories
MIOR FACIAL BAR只需2.5分钟,让您拥有宝宝般的肌肤!Indinine Facial Bar:新加坡的产品,原料源自于欧洲(Austria)。刚推出市面,对于女性非常有效。它是结合了Mior和Indinine制成的。将它们配合在一起,能让女性们更快速有效的保护皮肤和让皮肤有光泽。它包含了所有女性的护肤品, 包括洗脸霜,收缩水和滋润霜。有了它,其它的护肤品都可以丢掉了。这可让美眉省下一笔噢。
大部分女生花费上千元来签购脸部疗程,但您可知道大部分美容院都采用一个秘密原料 – Moor ?它拥有超过3000年历史的特殊泥浆,包含了700名草药和植物.在欧洲国家里,上等的Moor可出售高达USD300。
Indinine Luxe
这是一种来至于藻类的独特配方,以保持您的皮肤光泽。它将快速的被吸收到您的真皮层里,以帮助肌肤更有弹性和可使您的肌肤更健康。当您用Indinine Facial Bar时,Moor和Indinine Luxe将从表皮渗透进入里层排毒。就如为您的脸做个SPA的疗程。由于它将排毒和使您的肌肤达到平衡点(使每个人都拥有宝宝般的光滑肌肤),所以它适合所有皮肤类型。无论是油性皮肤,干性皮肤,敏感性皮肤,Indinine Facial Bar将针对各类型的肌肤排毒,使您的肌肤恢复光泽
Mior 的好处
· 收紧毛孔
· 深层清洁皮肤,让你的黑头和白头向您说再见
· 让肌肤拥有粉粉的光泽,就如日本美眉
· 将肌肤拉到平衡点,使油性皮肤减少油性和干性皮肤较湿润
· 淡化黑斑
· 长时间使用将淡化疤痕
· 省钱省时间,因为美眉不必再用其他的护肤品了,更不需要上美容院了
1)如果未用MIOR前,覺得臉很骯髒很骯髒,建議先用其他的洗臉霜洗臉先哦! (覺得有此需要的時候才這樣哦!) 因為MIOR有緊實,還有護膚的效果,臉洗干淨後再用效果會更佳!
2) 将双手打湿, 把mior bar在手上搓两下, 像用肥皂洗手一样, 手上会留下一些细小的泡沫产 品. 然后把手上的这些泡泡均匀抹在脸上, 眼眶周围, 脖子, 如果手上还留下些, 就抹在手臂上以及任何你想用的地方, 例如肚子, 全身部份.
3)让产品在脸上身体其它部份停留2.5分钟, 然后再用清水轻轻冲洗掉, 再轻轻拍干. 不要用力擦. 这样就能把moor膜保留在脸和身体上.
Retail Price
1bar (80g) RM259 = 6 months usage
1/2bar (40g) RM130 = 3 months usage
1/4bar (20g) RM70 = 1.5 months usage
1/8bar (10g) RM50 = 3 weeks usage
Ladies First Price!!
1 Bar (80g) = RM200 (Postage included)
1/2 Bar (40g) = RM110 (Postage included)
1/4 Bar (20g) = RM60 (Postage included)
1/8 Bar (10g) = RM40 (Postage included)